Research projects
Government-funded research projects testify the involvement of MR:comp in the development of trend-setting new technologies in the field of MR imaging and diagnostics.
For current research projects, please visit our sister company MRI-STaR GmbH.
A list of research projects that were started by MR:comp can be found below.
- DeNeCoR – Devices for NeuroControl and NeuroRehabilitation
- NRW-Herzklappen-Initiative: Medizintechnische Entwicklungen zur minimal-invasiven, perkutanen, transluminalen Therapie von Herzklappenerkrankungen
- Echtzeit MRI-Biopsien – Biopsien zur Mamma- und Prostatakarzinomdiagnostik unter Echtzeit-Sicht mittels Magnetresonanztomographie
- Image Quality Phantom
- IIIRay
- IIIOS FP7 project